Wednesday 1 April 2020

It's Almost Holy Week

It's Almost Holy Week

This weekend was the 5th Sunday of Lent and we are heading in to Holy Week...
but without the regular Sunday Services it's easy to get lost and lose track. 
The Gospel reading from this passed weekend is the one about Lazarus and how Jesus brings him back to life. We know it because we have heard it so many times before however there is a lot in there that really applies to what we are living right now. 

John 11:3-45 New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition
You see, Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.' And then Mary says the same thing. 
Mary and MarthaLikewise, is seems that we are in a place today that feels as though Jesus isn't really with us and that things are falling apart because of that.  Jesus reminds Martha and Mary that  'I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.' He prods them along by asking if they actually believe this. 
In these days of stress and sickness, isolation and anxiety, we are being asked if we believe and are being challenged to not just be admirers of Jesus but be disciples.
Jesus is greatly disturbed by the death of his friend Lazarus and the grief that he shares with Martha and Mary. And he shares the sadness, pain and distress that we are experiencing in these days of Coronavirus Covid-19. When going to the place where Lazarus lay, Jesus said to Martha, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?’ What does that mean for us?? 
The glory of God is found in so many places. It's found in families caring for their elderly grandparents.  It's found in doctors, nurses and hospital staff working around the clock to aid those who are sick. It's found in those willing to work so that we have our basic needs met like groceries and medicine. It's found in messages of hope, love, compassion and care in windows and on sidewalks. It's found in the quiet of neighbourhoods and streets because we are doing what we need to do to keep the vulnerable safe. And it's found in those recovering from illness.
It's really up to us to stay focused and faithful in this time of isolation and uncertainty. Jesus will forever be present to us, we just need to make ourselves present to him.   

Here is a video to watch and please...
Stay Safe and Stay Home!

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