Tuesday, 17 May 2016

We seek the gifts...

                           of the Holy Spirit.

During the next 3 1/2 weeks, as part of our opening exercises and morning prayer, we will be asking to Holy Spirit to help us as we learn in all subject matters.

We pray for all students taking MATH this semester.  May the Spirit of KNOWLEDGE help them to open their minds and hearts to what is being taught. 

We pray for all students taking LANGUAGES this semester. May the Spirit of UNDERSTANDING help them to learn to communicate well with others. 

We pray for all students taking SCIENCE this semester. May the Spirit of COURAGE help them to explore and learn things they have never known before. 

We pray for all students taking HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY this semester. May the Spirit of RIGHT JUDGEMENT help them to learn well from the past in order to help all nations of the future. 

We pray for all students taking FINE ARTS this semester. May the Spirit of WONDER & AWE help them to see the gifts of creativity and colour that God has given and to use them well. 

We pray for all students taking ENGLISH this semester. May the Spirit of WISDOM help them to know the power of words in our worldly struggle for justice. 

We pray for all students taking PHYSICAL EDUCATION this semester. May the Spirit of REVERENCE help them to appreciate the uniqueness and complexity of the human body and the need to respect all human life.

We pray for all students taking CATHOLIC STUDIES AND FAMILY STUDIES this semester. May the Spirit of COURAGE help them to open their hearts to the will and word of God. 

We pray for all students taking LAW, PHILOSOPHY & BUSINESS this semester.May the Spirit of RIGHT JUDGEMENT help them to be fair and just leaders in the future. 

We pray for all students taking TECHNICAL COURSES this semester.  May the Spirit of WISDOM help them to use their gifts and talents to improve the lives of those around them.

We pray for all students taking COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES this semester. May the Spirit of WONDER & AWE help them to see what can be accomplished with computer technology to help others. 

We pray for all students taking DRAMA this semester.May the Spirit of KNOWLEDGE help them to see the truth in the stories they are telling. 

We pray for all students taking CO-OP this semester. May the Spirit of REVERANCE help them to appreciate the guidance and leadership of those with whom they work. 

We pray for all students taking LEADERSHIP & PEER HELPING this semester. May the Spirit of UNDERSTANDING help them to recognize the needs of others and reach out to them. 

We pray for all students taking Sociologies this semester.
May the Spirit of right judgement help them to seek to bring peace and comfort to those searching for answers. 

We pray for all students taking Career/Civics this semester.
May the Spirit of knowledge help them to see the value of fulfilling employment and positive life work. 

We pray for all students taking Communication Technologies this semester. May the Spirit of COURAGE help them to bring information to the world while being aware of the responsibility they have to also be witnesses to the Gospel.

We pray for all students in Community Living this semester.May the Spirit of Wonder and Awe help all to know and appreciate the gifts they have to offer this faith community. 

We pray for all students taking Dance this semester.
May the Spirit of Reverance help them to be grateful for the ability to move and live joyfully in the Lord. 

We pray for all students taking Environmental Sciences this semester. May the Spirit of WISDOM help them to be stewards of the earth and to work as advocates for our planet. 

We pray for all students taking MUSIC this semester. May the Spirit of WISDOM help them to know how deeply music touches all of our lives.

We Ask All of This Through Christ Our Lord. 
Good St. Anne. Pray For us.


What the church teaches...


731 On the day of Pentecost when the seven weeks of Easter had come to an end, Christ's Passover is fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, manifested, given, and communicated as a divine person: of his fullness, Christ, the Lord, pours out the Spirit in abundance.122
732 On that day, the Holy Trinity is fully revealed. Since that day, the Kingdom announced by Christ has been open to those who believe in him: in the humility of the flesh and in faith, they already share in the communion of the Holy Trinity. By his coming, which never ceases, the Holy Spirit causes the world to enter into the "last days," the time of the Church, the Kingdom already inherited though not yet consummated.
We have seen the true Light, we have received the heavenly Spirit, we have found the true faith: we adore the indivisible Trinity, who has saved us.123

The Holy Spirit - God's gift
733 "God is Love" 124 and love is his first gift, containing all others. "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." 125
734 Because we are dead or at least wounded through sin, the first effect of the gift of love is the forgiveness of our sins. The communion of the Holy Spirit 126 in the Church restores to the baptized the divine likeness lost through sin.
735 He, then, gives us the "pledge" or "first fruits" of our inheritance: the very life of the Holy Trinity, which is to love as "God [has] loved us." 127 This love (the "charity" of 1 Cor 13) is the source of the new life in Christ, made possible because we have received "power" from the Holy Spirit. 128
736 By this power of the Spirit, God's children can bear much fruit. He who has grafted us onto the true vine will make us bear "the fruit of the Spirit: . . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." 129 "We live by the Spirit"; the more we renounce ourselves, the more we "walk by the Spirit." 130
Through the Holy Spirit we are restored to paradise, led back to the Kingdom of heaven, and adopted as children, given confidence to call God "Father" and to share in Christ's grace, called children of light and given a share in eternal glory. 131

- The Catechism of the Catholic Church