Wednesday 20 May 2020

In Light of The Recent Announcement

In light of the recent Ministry of Education announcement, I share with you a prayer written by my colleague, Mrs. Erin Malone Walls, Campus Minister at St. Joe's High School.

Lord, we pray for all staff and students who learned with finality that we won’t return to school this year.

We pray for daycare kids and preschoolers
who are too young to understand
why they can’t see their teachers and friends,
who miss the stories being read,
the songs being sung and all the creativity of play.

Engaging children with prayerWe pray for the elementary students
who miss their teachers and friends.
For children who will miss their classes and opportunities,
who thrive through being challenged,
who depend upon school meals,
who have learned to socialize and flourish.

Prayer 101: How to Start Talking to God - for ...We pray for high school students
who miss their teachers and friends.
For those who struggle with the loss of spirit and belonging.
For those who miss the competitions in the classrooms,
in the gyms, on the stage.
For those who have spent the year finding themselves
as musicians, athletes, artists, socialites, scholars, and more,
but now feel stuck at home
without a place to fully share who they want to be.
We pray especially for our grade 12 students
who have been planning and looking forward
to the traditional prom and graduation ceremony,
who now have to cope with lost dreams and feelings of disappointment.

We pray for the vulnerable.
For families without options of daycare.
For parents who feel ill-equipped.
For students who depend on the structure of school
in an otherwise chaotic life.
For the children with special education needs.
For those without technology, that have been given unequal opportunity and are feeling left behind. 

We pray for all of our staff
A Prayer for Our Children's Teachers - Blessed Is She
who miss the daily interaction with students and colleagues.
Who worry about our students,
who aren’t able to reach out to our students in need,
who don’t get the opportunity
to celebrate our students’ achievements,
who didn’t get to say goodbye. 

All-knowing God, losing a school year hurts.
Teach us to live in the reality of our feelings
yet hold on to hope.
Shelter the vulnerable, help those who are broken,
comfort those who mourn.
Be our hope and our strength.
Help us to be that hope for one another.

Erin Malone Walls, Campus Minister, St. Joe's High School

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